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Week One

​Constant Input/Output Plan for the semester

In the future, I want to pursue a career in the realm of UI/UX design.

I want to use this class opportunity to build up my UI/UX portfolio, this includes creating several projects and create a new portfolio website that specify in this area. (I used to have a website that is more spread out of my interests and skills)


I used to sign up for the online course of UX and UI in DesignLab.

However, I didn't follow up due to the time conflict but I still have the materials.


For this Constant Output Project, I will be creating 4 major UI/UX projects. As for the first project, I will be following up with the course material from DesignLab (If they are not enough, I will be finding more materials from Lynda and build up the projects at the same time, which will take a longer time. However, after I finish the first project, I will be creating the future ones following the same process. Each project will be taking 3 to 4 weeks.


Project 1

Week 3 9.16 Learn the overall process of UI/UX design

Week 4 9.23 Research Prototype (Learn)

Week 5 9.30 Design Test (Learn)

Week 6 10.07 Present Record (Learn)

Project 2

Week 7 10.15 Research Prototype

Week 8 10.21 Design Test

Week 9 10.28 Present Record

Project 3

Week 10 11.04 Research Prototype

Week 11 11.11 Design Test

Week 12 11.18 Present Record

Project 4

Week 13 11.25 Research Prototype

Week 14 12.02 Design Test

Week 15 12.01 Present Record

屏幕快照 2019-09-09 上午9.37.57.png
屏幕快照 2019-09-09 上午9.37.11.png
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