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Week Four

For week three, I am studying the process of doing the Define phrase in UX design in  DesignLab.

​Below are my notes for studying the process.

Empathy Map


customer segment

Thinking and feeling






Why do we create empathy maps

cohesive, empathetic view of users

human-centered mindset

research - coherent vision

provide a proxy for the user 

gain empathy for users 

understand better influencers


How to do

draw on a A4 size template paper

everyone contribute

no filtering of information


data collected from research



tool to build a shared team view of the customer

make sense of disparate data points

great reference tool

great for on boarding new team members



not as visually slick and professional as personas


tension, contradictions, surprises


fertile ground of insigts

find out the complexity in the customers


A3 paper divide into three sections

Tensions: user needs that are ad odds with each other

Contradictions: user identifies a need but behaves contrarily

Surprises: Something you may not have inferred from a behavior or mindset at the present stage


allow for further inquiry

understand what area creates the complexity in the problem space

starting point for insights









better understand users 

name and a photo of the person


Research (inputs from empathize phase)

Segmentation start with an enormous amount of data, and high level goals

Affinity diagramming - look for patterns in behaviors, goals, and attitudes

Make them human: decide on the general age, gender, and occupation

quote: best sums up the mindset of the persona


Goals and Pains

how to do: include the technical profile, influences, media channels, social behaviors, specific problem space behaviors + give them a nick name

what to create: A3/Card, Sharable artifact


create lasting empathy with users

users become a constant part of the conversation

easily shareable

make communication of the user’s problems to broader audience


can be out-of-date as societal behaviors change

technological adoption can change attitudes in short period of time.

In large companies, personas for one project is not usable for another.



simple drawings joined by a narrative shoes the user in the problem space

show users in context

different contexts provide different opportunities

the story must be narrative 

why: human centered mindset


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