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Week Two

For week one, I am studying the basic process of the UX design from DesignLab.

​Below are my notes for studying the process.

Product:created object 

used to alleviating problems and creating gains

Physical Object - serves system

Digital Product - application site used to solve problems


Tangible: warm. How well the product solves a problem

Intangible: social status. How the product solves the problem

better understand our users’ need  (intangible needs) -> research


user-centered design:needs, wants, and goals of customers

product development process (always involve user)

customer validation:problem, research target audience

problem validation: extent of the problem, what other products used to solve it (field observation/customer interviews)

concept validation: storyboards, landing pages, paid ads

【UX research finishes】

experience validation:sketching, wireframing, interactive prototypes

technical validation: user testing, live analytics












Background research:

collect existing internal knowledge

stakeholder interviews

analytics review: a view of what users do and why they do. view of what happens when people use an existing product

support issues log: pain points of an existing product

competitor review: look for alternative approach they have in creating a user experience. compare product offerings

existing product expert review: starting point for reviewing a product

-> mood board

collage of items

for UX: interface design patterns, page layout, visual design example


User Research:

in-depth interviews

contextual inquiry: observations (time/resource intensive)

job shadowing: visiting a participant in their workplace

diary studies: keep a dairy of their actions and experiences

card sorting: get users to sort a series of cards, to find the patterns of how users find content

open card sorting: sort card into groups without pre-established groupings

closed card sorting

usability testing existing products

-> user goals and behavior pattern trends



conduct research

identify the behavioural variables

cluster the behavior

identity trends

create a persona for each of the trends

prioritise personas 

tell stories, create scenarios 

create persona documentation




user journeys

the process that a user goes through a normal workflow

text flow mapping 

context scenarios: trigger point of using the product, relevant emotions and mindset

map the steps user goes through



user journey map



problem statement & design challenges

collaborative design workshops

whiteboard sketching 


user journey sketch board



Design thinking

Empathy: for users, understand users’ mindset

Prototyping:evaluative process, gather user feedback and insights

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